Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In which she makes use of her MLIS

OK, to get the book suggestions started, here is a list published by the American Library Association:
Notable Books for Adults, 2006
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is on that one, Emily.

And, just because I'm me, and I like young adult novels:
2006 Best Books for Young Adults
I'm especially intrigued by The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan and Are We There Yet? by David Levithan.

There's also Outstanding Books for the College Bound, though I hasten to point out the subtitle "and Lifelong Learners." That's us, guys! Lifelong learners! The list does recommend Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, though, which I must say is a pretty intense read.

I've also heard Special Topics in Calamity Physics and Absurdistan bandied about as excellent reads. And The Omnivore's Dilemma is supposed to change the way you eat, or something. Aaand I already suggested Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus once, but once is never enough.


Emily said...

I'm going to add the Foer Book even if I just read it. It's an interesting read, and he has an interesting style that we could discuss as well. Besides, it's good and deals with modern events, i.e. 9/11 through the eyes of a child. Oh!! And it has pictures and isn't a tough read.

Also, we could look at the Banned Book list as well--that could be fun; I've always wanted to read books off of that list.

Thanks for the links Jen!!

Shit, this is fun!!

Emily said... do you add book suggestions?

Well, here's my suggestions:

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer

The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton (I've never read it, and always wanted to--you know, the Oklahoma ties and all, I feel like I should)

Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy--so we can depress the hell out of ourselves

I'll think of some more...these are just suggestions, of course, we don't have to read any of them.

Oh...we should probably come up with a structured way of picking out books. You know?

Shanejamin said...

I also can't figure out how to suggest a book.

Jen said...

Well, right now I'm the only one with admin powers, but I'm not sure why that means you can't edit the list. That seems unnecessarily restrictive. Are we going to vet these suggestions, and only post the ones we all agree on? Or should the list be every book suggested? I could always maintain multiple lists...

Jen said...

Oh, and you're all admins now, so you should be able to edit the lists from the front page. I've made it a "website" list, so please provide a link to the book on amazon or some other review/purchasing site.
Do we want to have voting in the comments section to decide on the next book?