Tuesday, January 23, 2007

jeniscrazy...crazy about tagging!

Oh, um, by the way. I am a new-wave digital librarian. I like tagging and so on. So when you write new posts, try to fill in the the "labels for this post" with tags/labels/metadata, whatever you want to call them. You can make up new ones or whatever, but try not to duplicate-with-slight-variation or anything. For instance, I've been using rules, suggestions, voting, and now theprophet. So you could add one like jeniscrazy or pomo or intertextuality or homoeroticism or something, but (for example) don't add election or prophet (unless this last one is about the character of the prophet or something). Super fun, right? All the labels can be seen if you click the "show all" link next to the label box, or if you click "edit posts" under the "posts"/"posting" tab on the dashboard. If you click on a label, it will show you all the posts with that label. And so, in a few months, we can check back to see how much we talked about homoeroticism or how jeniscrazy, or (more usefully), see all the posts containing book suggestions. Mmm, classification goodness!

I've sort of...um, been editing other people's posts to add labels. I feel sorta bad about that. I can't help myself! The post looks so lonely when it's not labeled correctly! I may continue this trend, and maybe we should just say that anyone can label anyone else's post with a topic, if they feel as though the original poster forgot something, or if a new topic comes up in comments or something. Or, we can declare even this minor sort of post-tampering verboten, and I'll try my hardest to resist the siren's song of folksonomy...

1 comment:

Jen said...

I was actually expecting the first added tag to be "jeniscrazy," but I guess I wasn't giving you guys enough credit. "Homotextuality"? Genius.